Really good teaser...
but it get's old after awhile
Really good teaser...
but it get's old after awhile
That was a waste of time
why did you waste a week of your life for this pile?
That was pretty good!
That was an amazing movie! considering it was made by a clock... don't just stereotype a clock movie (like me) until you actually see it. That was great! Good job KnottsberryClock
That was halarious!
That was really funny, hehehe spiderman is gay
We kicked America's ass!
Why are Americans such @$$holes about us canadians beating them at something?
Oh ...My...God!
There's nothing quite like 80's nostalgia... kinda makes me all teary eyed...
Not too bad!
Good idea, but it could have been better though
Joined on 8/8/01